Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gaius Publius — Neoliberalism, “just deserts” and the post–climate crisis economy

This is an important post about where neoliberalism is taking us. It's well worth reading in its entirety. To summarize, the "just deserts" ethical theory justifies rationalizes growing inequality of income and wealth distribution upwards. Under the rational, given increasing scarcity from the consequences of climate change food, water, energy and other vital resources are becoming scarcer, at least in part owing to negative externalities along with the m.o. of capitalizing gains and socializing losses by passing the cost of fouling the nest and disrupting the ecology on to society. 

The "makers are also acquiring the sources of viral resources, since they foresee reaping huge profits and usurious rents as monopolists. To ensure that the "takers" don't object effectively, the world is being turned into a security and surveillance super-state by the owners of governments, chiefly the US government. Anyone who objects in a way that is deemed to active is defined as a terrorist and "removed." Welcome to the future. It's already here.

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